Andean Condor at Chonta Canyon Cusco

The recently discovered Cusco´s condor sighting place is located close by the rural community of Chonta. Within a geographical extension of 4 km2, in the district of Limatambo at 3450 m(11000ft.) above sea level. Nestled between the mountains which  form part of the popular Chonta canyon in Cusco. This great lookout is found in the ecological floor of Puna. Where you can observe a varied and scenic landscapes of forests, canyons, rivers, snow-capped mountains and deep canyons.

Of course you will see the majestic flight of the condors soaring in their Natural habitat. So this is part of the regular routine around this beautiful canyon. Which is just becoming a great tourist attracting for numerous travelers from all over the world. Especially for birders and the Condor lovers. The popular Chonta canyon by now is at least home for 30 to 40 Andean condors of different ages. We invite you to check out our tour itineraries, before to visit this unique place outside of Cusco.

Condor sighting tours

The  Chonta Condor Sighting 2 day tour, is a great new activity in the region of Cusco. It will change the classic itineraries of visiting Peru. many visitors instead of traveling all the way to Colca canyon to see the Andean Condors. They will just need to travel 3 hours by bus and 1 hour of gentle hike to the lookout. Where you will experience the Majestic flight of the Andean Condor soaring in its natural habitat. Even the people who have a very limited time will have the opportunity to visit this new tourist attraction. The Chonta Canyon or Condor Canyon Cusco tour is usually combined with some of the less travel Inca sites. For any additional information about Chonta or Condor sighting activities, we highly suggest you to check out our trip itineraries of Condor Sighting Cusco.

To make more interesting your experience of Condor sighting Cusco. As part of the preparation for the Chonta Condor sighting activity. You should have a look some of the essential information about the Andean Condor (sacred animal of the Incas)

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