Guaranteed departures

You book, you go… No cancelations!

At Top Peru Trips we try to make things easier. After you have sent a trek deposit, we have no excuse to cancel any trip!. Some other tour companies usually cancel their trips due to low participation of travelers or they will put you in big groups operated by third parties. Something annoying for many people, Because you paid to get a good quality service.

We guarantee the departure of our treks and tours, we will never cancel any reservation done with our company. Even due to low signing-up or participation of travelers for the same set date or excursion. We will not be passing you to another tour operators!. This makes to our travelers the assurance and peace of mind to know that their tour will be run by the tour operator they have booked with! Traveling in good hands!

Our slogan Quality Service Every-time is something we always have in mind. So all our staff is strictly focus on this commitment of providing a true quality service at every moment, not matter if we have 2 people traveling or a large group.


The prices we charge for any of our itineraries are based on two-person. Even when we did not get more travelers departing on the date you have choosing for a trek or a tour. You will not be charged any extra money to run the excursion and we will be still providing the same quality service you deserve for the price you paid.

We believe charging the right price, enough to make everybody happy, it’s important the total satisfaction of our customers. But also is necessary to keep happy our employees and especially if there are some local indigenous people between the staff. This is something which make us different from another travel companies. As a responsible tour operator our aim is to keep the balance guest & host and the environment (Filices todos).